história e economia
ALMEIDA Angela M. A República de Weimar e a ascensão do nazismo
ANDERSON Perry. A política externa norte-americana
ANDLER Charles. Les origines du Pangermanisme 1800-1888 [1915]
AUDOIN-ROUZEAU Stephane. George L. Mosse: réflexions sur une méconnaissance française
BADIA Gilbert. Histoire de l'Allemagne contemporaine 1933-1962
BAECHLER Christian. L'Allemagne de Weimar 1919-1933
_________ Guillaume II d'Allemagne
_________ Gustav Stresemann
BÄHR Johannes. Les grandes banques allemandes et leurs activités dans l'Europe occidentale occupée, 1940-1944
BANCEL N. BLANCHARD P. VERGES F. La République coloniale [ epub ]
BANCEL N. DAVID T. THOMAS D. L'invention de la race: des représentations scientifiques aux exhibitions populaires [ epub ]
BARASH Jeffrey Andrew, JOLLIVET Servanne (ed.) Reinhart Koselleck
BARTOV O. CABANES B. HUSSON E. Les sociétes en guerre, 1911-1946 [ epub ]
BECK H. JONES L. E. From Weimar to Hitler: Studies in the dissolution of the Weimar Republic ... 1932–1934
BÉDARIDA François. La bataille d'Angleterre (Juillet 1940-Mai 1941)
BELAND, DUTRISAC. Weimar, ou l'hyperinflation du sens
BERGHAHN V. KITCHEN M. (ed) Germany in the age of Total War [ epub ]
BESCHLOSS Michael. The conquerors Roosevelt, Truman, and the destruction of Hitlers Germany, 1941-1945
BESSEL Richard (ed.) Life in the Third Reich
_________ The nazi capture of power
_________ Nazism and War
_________ Germany after the First World War
BETTELHEIM Charles. L'economie allemande sous le nazisme
BLACKBOURN David ELEY Geoff. The peculiarities of German history
BLACKBOURN David EVANS Richard. The German bourgeoisie
BOYD Julia. Voyage en Allemagne sous le IIIe Reich
BOAK Helen. Women in the Weimar Republic
BOOG H. KREBS G. VOGEL D. Germany and the Second World War
BOSWORTH Richard. Mussolini and the eclipse of Italian fascism
BRIDENTHAL, GROSSMANN, KAPLAN. When biology became destiny: Women in Weimar and nazi Germany
BROUE Pierre, BIRCHALL I. PEARCE B. The German Revolution 1917-1923
BROUE Pierre. Révolution en Allemagne
BURKE Edmund. Reflexões sobre a Revolução em França
CALDWELL Peter. The crucifix and german constitutional culture
CAMPBELL M. PERRAUDIN M. The voice of the people writing the european folk revival 1760-1914
CASTELAN Georges. Von Schleicher, Von Papen e l'avenement de Hitler
_________ Aspect militaire de l'Anschluss
_________ Bilan social du IIIe Reich (1933-1939)
CHAPOUTOT Johann. Le meurtre de Weimar. Paris, 2015.
_________ Fascisme, nazisme et régimes autoritaires en Europe 1918-1945
_________ La révolution culturelle nazie [ epub ]
_________ La révolution culturelle nazie [ epub ]
_________ Le nazisme et l'Antiquité
_________ Libres d’obéir: le management,du nazisme à aujourd’hui [ epub ]
_________ Libres d’obéir: le management,du nazisme à aujourd’hui [ epub ]
CORNWELL John. El Papa de Hitler
CRAFTS Nicholas FEARON Peter. The Great Depression of the 1930's
CRANKSHAW Edward. Bismarck [ epub ]
DAWSON William Harbutt. The German Empire 1867-1914 [1919]
DEAK Istvan. Weimar Germany’s left-wing intellectuals
DEIST Wilhelm. The Wehrmacht and German rearmament
DELACAMPAGNE Christian. Historia de la filosofía en el siglo XX
DOBKOWSKI M. WALLIMANN I. Radical perspectives on the rise of fascism in Germany, 1919 to 1945
DROZ Jacques. Le Romantisme Allemand et l'État
DROZ Jacques. Le Romantisme Allemand et l'État
DUPEUX Louis. La nouvelle droite revolutionnaire-conservatrice allemande et son influence sous la République
___________ L'antisémitisme culturel de Wilhelm Stapel
___________ La version völkisch de l'Alternative 1830-1933
___________ Les catholiques allemands et le Troisieme Reich
___________ Révolution Conservatrice et hitlérisme
___________ Pseudo-"Travailleur" contre prétendu "État bourgeois". L'interpretation de l'hitlerisme par Ernst Niekisch
___________ "Révolution conservatrice" et modernité
ELEY G., JENKINS J., MATYSIK T. German modernities from Wilhelm to Weimar
ELIAS Norbert. Os Alemães [ epub ]
EVANS Richard J. A chegada do Terceiro Reich [ epub ]
EVANS Richard J. A chegada do Terceiro Reich [ epub ]
EVANS R. GEARY D. (ed.). The German Unemployed
EVARD Jean-Luc. Guerre et Révolution - La crise charismatique
FALASCA-ZAMPONI Simonetta. Fascist spectacle: the aesthetics of power in Mussolini's Italy
FARIS Ellsworth. Takeoff point for the National Socialist Party - the Landtag election in Baden, 1929
FEUCHTWANGER EJ. From Weimar to Hitler - Germany 1918-33
_________ Imperial Germany - 1850-1918
FISCHER Conan. The German Communists and the Rise of nazism
FISCHER Fritz. From Kaiserreich to Third Reich - Elements of continuity in German history, 1871–1945
_________ Germany's aims in the First World War
FÖLLMER Moritz. Culture in the Third Reich
FOREST David. Nazisme, modernisme et management
FOWKES Ben. Communism in Germany under the Weimar Republic
FULDA Bernhard. Press and Politics in the Weimar Republic
GALLO Max. La nuit des longs couteaux [ epub ]
GARDEN Ian. The Third Reichs celluloid war propaganda in nazi feature films, documentaries and television [ epub ]
GASSERT Philipp STEINWEIS Alan. Coping with the nazi past: West German debates on nazism and generational conflict, 1955-1975
GATES Robert A. German Socialism and the crisis of 1929-33
GAY Peter. Weimar Culture - the outsider as insider
GEIGER Wolfgang. L'image de la France dans l'Allemagne nazie: 1933-1945
GERMINARIO Francesco. Fascisme et ideologie fasciste
GEYER Michael, TOOZE Adam. The Cambridge history of the Second World War [vol. 3 - Total War: economy, society and culture]
GORNER Alexander. La economía de guerra del Reich (1914-1939)
GRAHAM Helen. La República española en guerra (1936-1939)
HABERMAS Jurgen. Learning by disaster?
HAMILTON Alaister. The appeal of Fascism. A study of intellectuals and Fascism 1919–1945
HEINEMANN Julia. Freikorps
HENIG Ruth. The Weimar Republic 1919-1933
HERBERT Ulrich. A History of Twentieth-Century Germany
HERTZ Frederick. The development of the German public mind - vol 1
HIPPLER Thomas. La paix perpetuelle et l'Europe dans le discours des Lumieres
HOBSBAWM Eric. Historia del siglo XX
HOFROGGE Ralf LaPORTE Norman. Weimar Communism as mass movement 1918-1933
HOFROGGE Ralf LaPORTE Norman. Weimar Communism as mass movement 1918-1933
HUENER Jonathan, NICOSIA Francis. The Arts in nazi Germany
HUTCHINSON Robert. After Nuremberg: american clemency for nazi war criminals
ISENBERG Noah. Weimar Cinema [ epub ]
JACKSON Gabriel. La República Española y la Guerra Civil
JONES Larry Eugene. The German Right, 1918-1930 - Political parties, organized interests, and patriotic associations ...
________ Hitler versus Hindenburg - The 1932 presidential elections and the end of the Weimar Republic
________ Franz von Papen, catholic conservatives, and the establishment of the Third Reich, 1933–1934
KAES, JAY, DIMENDBERG (ed.). The Weimar Republic sourcebook
KATER Michael. Weimar from Enlightenment to the present
KEYNES John Maynard. As consequências econômicas da paz [1919]
KLEIN Claude. Weimar. S. Paulo, 1995.
_________ De los Espartaquistas al nazismo
_________ De los Espartaquistas al nazismo
KOLB Eberhard. The Weimar Republic
KOLINSKY Eva, van der WILL Wilfried. The Cambridge companion to modern german culture
KOONZ Claudia. Mothers in the Fatherland: women, the family and nazi politics [ epub ]_________ The nazi conscience
KRACAUER Siegfried. De Caligari a Hitler Uma história Psicológica do Cinema Alemão [1947]
KRUMEICH Gerd. "La République de Weimar et le poids de la Grande Guerre”
_________ "La place de la guerre de 1914-1918 dans l'histoire culturelle de l'Allemagne”.
_________ "La place de la guerre de 1914-1918 dans l'histoire culturelle de l'Allemagne”.
LANGBEHN V. SALAMA M. German colonialism - Race, the holocaust, and postwar Germany
LAPORTE, HOFROGGE (ed.). Weimar Communism as Mass Movement 1918-1933
LAQUEUR Walter. Fascism: a Reader's guide
_________ Fascism: Past, Present, Future
_________ Weimar - une histoire culturelle de l'Allemagne des annees 1920
LEPENIES Wolf. The seduction of culture in German history
LEPENIES Wolf. The seduction of culture in German history
LESPINOIS Jerome. La Bataille d'Angleterre - Juin-Octobre 1940 [ epub ]
LINZ Juan J. L'effondrement de la démocratie, autoritarisme et totalitarisme dans l'Europe de l'entre-deux-guerres
LOUREIRO Isabel. A Revolução Alemã (1919-1923)
LOUREIRO Isabel. A Revolução Alemã (1919-1923)
MASON Tim. Germany, domestic crisis and war in 1939
MAZOWER Mark. Dark Continent: Europe's Twentieth Century
MEINECKE Friedrich. The German Catastrophe
MESSERSCHMIDT Manfred. The soldier in the war to conquer eastern Europe
_________ The Wehrmacht and the Volksgemeinschaft
_________ Histoire de l'Italie
_________ Mussolini
MOMMSEN Hans. The rise and fall of Weimar Democracy
MONGOUACHON Claire. Les débats sur la Constitution économique en Allemagne
MÖLLER Horst. La republica de Weimar [1985/2004] [ epub ]
MORADIELLOS Enrique. Historia mínina de la Guerra Civil Española
MORADIELLOS Enrique. Historia mínina de la Guerra Civil Española
_________ German Jews beyond Judaism
_________ Germans and Jews - the right, the left, and the search for a third force in pre-nazi Germany
MÜLLER Klaus-Jürgen. Les deux tentations de la politique extérieure allemande, de Bismarck à nos jours
MULLIGAN William. The creation of the modern german army: General Walther Reinhardt and the Weimar Republic, 1914-1930
NICOLSON Harold. O Tratado de Versalhes - A paz depois da Primeira Guerra Mundial
O'BRIEN, Mary-Elizabeth. Nazi cinema as enchantment: the politics of entertainment in the Third Reich
ORLOW Dietrich. Weimar Prussia, 1918-1925 The Unlikely Rock of Democracy
PERRAUDIN M. ZIMMERER J. German colonialism and national identity
PEUKERT Detlev. The Weimar Republic
PFLANZE Otto. Bismarck and the development of Germany 1815-1871
_________ Bismarck and the development of Germany 1880-1898
PHELAN Anthony. The Weimar dilemma - Intellectuals in the Weimar Republic
PHELAN Anthony. The Weimar dilemma - Intellectuals in the Weimar Republic
PLUMPE Werner. Les entreprises sous le nazisme, bilan intermédiaire
REILL Peter Hans. The German Enlightenment and the rise of historicism
RENAUD Terence Ray. Restarting socialism: the New Beginning Group and the problem of renewal on the German Left, 1930-1970
RICHARD Lionel. A República de Weimar.
_________ (org.), Berlim, 1919-1933 – a encarnação extrema da modernidade.
_________ Avant l'Apocalypse, Berlin (1919-1933) [ epub ]
_________ Malheureux le pays qui a besoin dun héros [ epub ]
RIGAUX François. L'idéal européen de Nietzsche
_________ (org.), Berlim, 1919-1933 – a encarnação extrema da modernidade.
_________ Avant l'Apocalypse, Berlin (1919-1933) [ epub ]
_________ Malheureux le pays qui a besoin dun héros [ epub ]
RIGAUX François. L'idéal européen de Nietzsche
RITTER Gerhard. The sword and the scepter: The problem of militarism in Germany - The Prussian tradition, 1740-1890
ROMERO SALVADO Francisco. A Guerra Civil Espanhola
ROSSOL N. ZIEMANN B. The Oxford handbook of the Weimar Republic [ epub ]
ROUGIER Louis. Les mystiques économiques: comment l'on passe des démocraties libérales aux états totalitaires
ROUX Francois. Auriez-vous crié Heil Hitler? Soumission et résistances au nazisme: l’Allemagne vue d’en bas (1918-1946)
ROZENBLIT Marsha. The Jews of Vienna, 1867-1914 - assimilation and identity
SALDERN Adelheid. Volk and Heimat culture in Radio broadcasting
SCHOENBAUM David. Hitler's social revolution
SMITH Woodruff. The ideological origins of nazi imperialism
SOHN-RETHEL Alfred. The economy and class structure of German fascism
STEPHENSON Jill. Women in nazi society
STOLPER Gustav. German Economy 1870-1940 - Issues and trends
STORA Benjamin. La gangrène et loubli [ epub ]
THALMANN Rita. A República de Weimar.
__________ L'Allemagne, une nation retardataire
__________ L'Allemagne, une nation retardataire
__________ Protestantisme et National-socialisme
__________ Femmes et Fascismes [ epub ]
THIESSE Anne-Marie. La création des identités nationales - Europe, XVIIIe-XXe siècle
TOULMIN S. JANIK A. Wittgenstein’s Vienna
TURNER JR Henry Ashby. German big business and the rise of Hitler
_________ Big business and the rise of Hitler
_________ A treinta días del poder
_________ Nazism and the Third Reich
_________ Two dubious Third Reich diaries
_________ Victor Klemperer's Holocaust
_________ Fascism and modernization
VASSILTCHIKOV Marie. Diários de Berlim 1940-1945
VEBLEN Thorstein. Imperial Germany and the industrial revolution
VINCENT C. Paul. A historical dictionary of germanys Weimar Republic, 1918-1933
WALSER SMITH Helmut. The continuities of German history
WEITZ Eric La Alemania de Weimar [ epub ]
WELCH David. Propaganda and the German Cinema 1933–1945
_________ Cinema and the Swastika: the international expansion of Third Reich Cinema
WIDDIG Bernd. Culture and inflation in Weimar Germany
WIDDIG Bernd. Culture and inflation in Weimar Germany
WILSON Edmund. Rumo à Estação Finlândia
WINKLER Heinrich. Germany The Long Road West 1789–1933 [2000].
_________ Germany The Long Road West, 1933–1990 [2000].
_________ The Age of Catastrophe: A History of the West 1914–1945 [2011].
WINTER Jay. De l'histoire intellectuelle à l'histoire culturelle: la contribution de George L. Mosse
_________ Germany The Long Road West, 1933–1990 [2000].
_________ The Age of Catastrophe: A History of the West 1914–1945 [2011].
WINTER Jay. De l'histoire intellectuelle à l'histoire culturelle: la contribution de George L. Mosse
WISTRICH Robert. The Jews Of Vienna In the age of Franz Joseph
WUNDERLICH Frieda. Farm Labor in Germany, 1810-1945
ZIEMANN Benjamin. Violence and the German soldier in the Great War