história e economia

BAECHLER Christian. L'Allemagne de Weimar
BROUE Pierre, BIRCHALL I. PEARCE B. The German Revolution 1917-1923
BROUE Pierre.  Révolution en Allemagne

CRANKSHAW Edward. Bismarck [ epub ]

ELEY G., JENKINS J., MATYSIK T. German modernities from Wilhelm to Weimar
ELIAS Norbert. Os Alemães [ epub ]
EVANS Richard J. A chegada do Terceiro Reich [ epub ]
EVANS R. GEARY D. (ed.). The German Unemployed

HEINEMANN Julia. Freikorps
HOBSBAWM Eric. Historia del siglo XX
HOFROGGE Ralf LaPORTE Norman. Weimar Communism as mass movement 1918-1933
ISENBERG Noah. Weimar Cinema [ epub ]

KAES, JAY, DIMENDBERG (ed.). The Weimar Republic sourcebook
KLEIN Claude. Weimar. S. Paulo, 1995.
_________ De los Espartaquistas al Nazismo
KOONZ Claudia. Mothers in the Fatherland: Women, the Family and Nazi Politics [ epub ]

PEUKERT Detlev. The Weimar Republic

RICHARD Lionel. A República de Weimar. 
_________ (org.), Berlim, 1919-1933 – a encarnação extrema da modernidade. 
_________ Avant l'Apocalypse, Berlin (1919-1933) [ epub ]
_________ Malheureux le pays qui a besoin dun héros [ epub ]
RITTER Gerhard. The sword and the scepter: The problem of militarism in Germany - The Prussian tradition, 1740-1890
ROMERO SALVADO Francisco. A Guerra Civil Espanhola
ROSSOL N. ZIEMANN B. The Oxford handbook of the Weimar Republic [ epub ]

SCHOENBAUM David. Hitler's social revolution

THALMANN Rita. A República de Weimar. 
__________ L'Allemagne, une nation retardataire
__________ Femmes et Fascismes [ epub ]
TOULMIN S. JANIK A. Wittgenstein’s Vienna

VASSILTCHIKOV Marie. Diários de Berlim 1940-1945